Friday, 24 February 2012

Real Life Dolls

Hey Dolls!

...I'm going to say that again... 

Doesn't that greeting just have a great ring to it?  So some of you are probably thinking I'm Crazy right? LOL!!  Well I'm not as Crazy as you may think I am as I promise, this is going somewhere good =)

So I've been reading my copy of Kardashian Konfidential and I totally only just realised that I have picked up the word "Doll" from them!  Thinking bout it I have been saying it for a while now and I cant believe that I didn't even realise it until now...but guess what I LOVE IT!

Every time I say it, it makes me feel so happy, excited and ready to socially mingle!  And when it's said to just makes me feel so Girly, Glamorous & well just like a doll I suppose!

Almost everywhere you look these days, you will see some variation of us girls rocking the Barbie DOLL look! And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that...In fact, I say the more the better!

...Yes that's her...the beautiful, immaculate, stunning, original style icon, diva & almost EVERY girls dream!  Well I know I wanted to be Barbie at some point in my life & I remember the joy I'd get from playing with my Barbie's LoL!  Honestly the children of today are missing out.  And don't front and pretend you don't know what I am on about as I sure there was a time when you wanted to be Cher or Dionne from Clueless.

Well I think that regardless of AGE, we can all still be dolls because like Aaliyah once said "Age aint nothing but a number"! So lets celebrate to joy our dolls brought to us by ALWAYS remembering your beauty, dressing immaculately, experimenting with make-up, indulging in massages, manicures and pedicures, becoming that GIRLY GIRL and channelling your inner DOLL!

Whilst your at it, spread the positive dolly vibes to all your friends and family too by telling them that they are beautiful as you never know how important those words can be to somebody else too.

I'm not proposing we all become stepford wives or clones LoL! But you know what, life passes by so fast and people get so wrapped up in their own daily routines that they subconsciously neglect themselves or others around them so take a day or two out STRICTLY pamper as you will most definitely rejuvenate and you'll also feel like a million dollar too!

Remember dolls, Girl Power Rocks!  Support one another always and together we prosper

Love you lets go SHOPPING...

1. Custom made Doll Duster -
2. Bikini -
3. Dolly NYC Necklace -
4. Nicki Minaj Pink Friday - Itunes
5. Dollhouse Kardashian Novel -

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